No Ads | Mint

Amanda Lin, Justin Li, Courtney Alev, Christine Kuo
Customer Problem
I am a frequent Mint user
And I'm trying to browse the app to get helpful insights into my finances
But I keep getting distracted by ads that I'm not interested in
Because of this I can't navigate the app efficiently
Which makes me feel annoyed and frustrated
No ads? No problem. After seeing several Mint customers asking for us to remove in-product ads, we did it. I partnered with Justin, a product designer, to create an almost effortless subscription flow.

The Suggested Offer carousel on the Mint overview screen is something customers had specifically referenced removing from the app. Knowing this, Justin and I decided to put a contextual card highlighting the no ads option.

I wanted those who asked for the feature to know that we heard them, and those who didn't know that we take customer feedback seriously. I used short and pithy language to capture their attention. I challenged myself to keep the content to 1 line so that it feels breathable and non-committal.

Alternative headlines that we tested were:
"Get a smoother Mint"
"Enjoy an ad-free Mint"
After tapping on the card, users are taken to an opt-in screen. I kept this screen lightweight to keep customers focused on the "Cancel anytime" message. We also leveraged a gif to show exactly what paying for an ad-free experience would get them—a Mint that is more focused on transactions and spending.
Let's collaborate.
Whether you're looking to create a seamless in-app experience or need marketing collateral, I can help.